Marshall-Scott Duo

Series: Season 15 2024-2025
Date: Wed 26 Mar 2025 - 7:00pm
Venue: St Mary's Church Hall, Market Square, Sandbach, CW11 1HD
Tickets: (a) Online @ WeGotTickets or (b) On the door

Conrad Marshall and Lauren Scott have worked together as a flute & harp duo for many years as well as working together in Psappha Ensemble and Northern Chamber Orchestra. With a natural musical rapport together that ranges across many musical styles, Conrad and Lauren are delighted to present a programme that includes works by Takemitsu, Corigliano & Debussy.

5:00pm Pre-concert Early Bird meal at La Casa Mia (not included in the ticket)

Why not make an evening of it and book your pre-concert dinner at La Casa Mia who are kindly helping to sponsor the concert series


6:30pm Doors open

7:00: Spotlight Concert

Music performed by talented young people from Sandbach

7:30 Intermission

Art Exhibition by  Sandbach Art Club, Refreshments

8:00 Main Concert